03 2023
It was sad to hear that Nigel Greenhill, RIBA, had died (February 2023), a man of integrity and good humour. It was a pleasure to be a part of the celebration of his life, with friends and family,that took place last month at Dulwich Picture Gallery.
Hans Berger and Jo Barnett met while working at the office of Greenhill Jenner Partnership, in Brixton, London. GJP was an office dedicated to projects with a strong social dimension and were pioneers in childcare buildings and among other awards, won the prestigious RIBA Architecture Community Architecture Award, for their Patmore Centre for the NSPCC, in Batter sea. This was a testament to their skill and dedication to working closely with their user clients, to make buildings that truly met their needs.
Nigel Greenhill and his working partner, John Jenner, were supporters and educators of all their staff and positively influenced many generations of up-and-coming young architects. It was pleasure to have been part of that special working environment which remains part of Berger Barnett Architect’s own DNA