The iconic silhouettes of the 3 housing blocks next to the roundabout of the Burgemeester De Vlugtlaan in Amsterdam Nieuw West, mark at the entrance to the neighbourhood of Geuzeveld Slotermeer.
Originally built in 1954, they form part of the first “Garden City” post war expansion of the Amsterdam (based on the urban plans (AUP) of C. van Eesteren), west of the Ringspoordijk.
Their 5 storey pitched profile is emblematic for the typical ‘portiek etage’ social housing blocks that dominate this district.
The scheme was originally designed by the Jacoba Pot-Keegstra who was particularly interested in the design of the domestic realm, and how this could improve the lives of women in the home.
In 2020 Berger Barnett Architecten was commissioned by Eigen Haard Housing Corporation to design a worthy replacement of the original blocks while upgrading the layout and access of the apartments and increase the number of dwellings at this spot.
The new blocks aim to echo the scale and physical presence of the original forms.
The replacements are marginally longer and deeper and will incorporate an extra floor, eventually raising the original number of 72 dwellings to 114.
Specific attention is being given to the interaction of the blocks and their surroundings to create high quality open spaces in their immediate environment.
Date Submitted for planning December 2023 - ongoing
Location Amsterdam
Size 114 Apartments
Type Housing
Client Eigen Haard Housing Corporation